2015년 6월 18일 목요일

Sujin Lim Artist | "Emotionalism"

Acrylic, Oil Pastel, Crayon on Canvas | 2012
97 x 122 cm
Her pain has come to the point that she became thankful for it. 

"Death As The Sole Option"
Acrylic Painting on Canvas | 2012
55 x 65 cm
Death will emerge as the sole option when she can no longer stand up. 

Sujin Lim Artist | works

Mixed Media on Canvas | 2012 112 x 145 cm
When her tears dried out she cried a fiery river. The past was gone. 
The present was unsatisfactory. The future was uncertain and scary. 


“Tearful Dreams”
Mixed Media on Canvas | 2012
93 x 109.3 cm
None are given automatically, but all can be forgotten automatically. 

Sujin Lim's Fire Series


                                                                           Acrylic Painting on Canvas | 2011
86 x 94 cm
                 Tears cannot extinguish the fire in her heart. Rather, the fire brings the tears to a boiling point. 

Acrylic Painting on Canvas |2011
86 x 94 cm

Acrylic Painting on Canvas | 2011
86 x 94 cm